Sightseeing Spots - Sightseeing

Togakushi Ninja Museum, Ninja Trick House, Togakushi Folk Museum : 戸隠流忍法資料館・忍者からくり屋敷・戸隠とがくし民俗館

Togakushi's three ninja facilities

Northern Nagano


You will find the location of Togakushi's three ninja facilities on the right-hand side after traveling north from the entrance to the Togakushi Shrine Okusha.

Togakure-ryu ninjutsu is one of the three major ninjutsu (ninja martial arts) schools in Japan, the teachings have been passed down for hundreds of years in ninja dojos located in various locations across Japan and the world.

At the Togakushi Ninja Museum you can see authentic ninja shuriken (ninja star) , makibishi (Japanese caltrop), etc. You can also see old photos and a collection of around 500 pieces of explanatory materials and documents.

The Ninja Trick House is like an indoor maze; you can enjoy working your way through the building as you encounter hidden doors, tilted rooms, and much more. Even for adults, escaping the house can be difficult and will require some time. You can also try the “surprising hall,” with its interesting mechanisms, and the dojo for shuriken throwing.

The Togakushi Folk Museum exhibits traditional folk craft such as bamboo works, as well as antique items reminiscent of those seen in Japanese period dramas, all within a building dating back hundreds of years.


9:00 - 17:00
Closed during early November to late April and irregular
Entrance Price
Not required


tel : +81(0)026-254-2395

Access / Location

By Train
From Nagano Station(JR Hokuriku(Nagano) Shinkansen), 1 hour 10 min by the Togakushi Campground-bound bus. Get off at Okusha bus stop
By Car
From Nagano IC, 1 hour
From Shinanomachi IC, 30 min
3688-12 Togakushi, Nagano 381-4101

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