Escape Summer Heat to Ike no Taira Marsh in Yunomaru Highlands above Tomi City

August 29, 2023

90 minute loop walking trail at an elevation of 2000 meters, with views of the surrounding peaks, the wetlands, the Chikuma River valley below, and too many wildflowers to count.
Best accessed by car, and on this late weekday afternoon with cloudy weather, we practically had the place to ourselves. So besides the heat, you can escape the crowds, too.

2 thoughts on “Escape Summer Heat to Ike no Taira Marsh in Yunomaru Highlands above Tomi City

  1. I try to goggle IkenoTaira and it leads to me the resort . I googled Yunomaru highlands and it led me to the ski resort. So why do I find the 90 minutes loop walking trail? Start point and ending point please?

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